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Spolupracou pre lepšiu budúcnosť - Velky Meder (SPLB)

Spoluprácou pre lepšiu budúcnosť – Veľký Meder (SPLB), which translates to “Teamwork for a Better Future – Veľký Meder,” is a Civil Association with the primary objective of promoting and developing activities for the active participation of citizens at various levels, including local, regional, national, and international. SPLB focuses on education, lifelong learning, and extracurricular activities, utilizing modern communication technologies to create educational opportunities for disadvantaged and marginal groups. The association is actively involved in promoting social responsibility, raising public awareness of rights and responsibilities, and providing administrative and advisory services for disadvantaged and marginal groups.

SPLB’s initiatives include the (re)integration of job seekers into the labor market, emphasizing information and advisory activities, professional counseling, and international institutional exchange of information about the labor market and best practices. The association collaborates with stakeholders, including local government representatives, employers, NGOs, career counselors, and school advisors, to develop regional partnerships and organize seminars, workshops, and information days at the national level.

The primary target group of SPLB includes the long-term unemployed, young people, people with disabilities, and socially deprived individuals. The association is also involved in international cooperation, supporting social inclusion in Slovakia and the EU. SPLB’s commitment to a better future is evident in its multifaceted approach and experience in working with diverse target groups.