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5th Transnational Meeting

The closing meeting of the Prosid project was hosted by Düzce University on 7-8 February 2024 in Düzce. The following topics were discussed at the meeting held with the participation of all partner institutions: R1 – PROSID Educational Modules “Employability Skills in the 21st Century” R2

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Within the scope of the ongoing ERASMUS+ Program, the “Multiplier Activities” meeting for the project titled “Supporting the Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups” with number 2021-1-TR01-KA220-ADU-000035258 was held by the Project partners. Necmettin Erbakan University  – Turkiye “Multiplayer Events” meeting for the project titled

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Fourth Transnational Meeting

The 4th Transnational Meeting was held on 29-30 August 2023 in Augsburg, Germany. Representatives of all partner organisations attended the meeting in full. During the two-day meeting, intensive planning was made on the results of the training modules, improvement of the e-learning platform, dissemination of the

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Third Transnational Meeting

The third transnational meeting was held on 16-17 March 2023 in Zsombathely, Hungary. In the meeting held with the participation of the project coordinator and project partners, the project processes were evaluated. Presentations were made on the project outputs led by the representatives of the partner

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The Learning, Teaching, Training meeting (LTT)

On 27, 28 February and 1 March 2023, the PROSID partnership held the 3-day LTT event in Konya, Turkey. The Learning, Teaching, Training meeting was hosted by the Education Faculty of Necmettin Erbakan University, under the coordination and leadership of Prof. Dr. Hakan SARI. The professionals

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Second Transnational Meeting

The 2nd Transnational Meeting was held in Velky Meder, Slovakia on 08-09 November 2022 under the coordination of Necmettin Erbakan University. The meeting was attended by all partner institutions. On the first day of the 2-day meeting, after the opening speeches were made, training modules were

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Prosid Kick-off Meeting

The first kick-off meeting of the project named Promoting Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Group (PROSID) was held on 20-21 July 2022 in Konya Necmettin Erbakan University Rectorate Building, Block B. Partners from Slovakia, Hungary, Düzce University (Turkey), DEGDER (Turkey) and Necmettin Erbakan University participated

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